Our Focus

Market Allocations

Large organizations (corporations, municipalities) often pay less for their property and liability insurance than smaller organizations, based on cost per dollar of insured asset. The savings arise not from volume discounts, but from strategically vetting their insurance business using a market allocation exercise; a process that incentivizes both brokers and insurers to compete for their insurance business. The strategy bears fruit immediately, which is why we call it the quick win. At Strategiq Risk Solutions we have made market allocation exercises our signature service: better yet, we have re-engineered the process to enable smaller organizations to capture the same deep savings.

Learn more about Market Allocation Exercises

Tree Strategies

Tree Strategies

Self-insurance Strategies

Insurance is the predominant way organizations finance risk. Over the long term it is also the most expensive. While Market Allocation provides a quick win, Self-Insurance is the sustainable, long term solution. A thoughtfully constructed self-insurance program provides any organization with lower premiums, greater flexibility in coverage, control over the claims process and insulation from the cyclical swings of the insurance business cycle.

Learn more about Self-Insurance Strategies

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Plans

Identify risks specific to your organization. Then develop a plan to reduce, control, eliminate and transfer those risks, within a framework that supports and aligns with your organization’s business plan. The result? A safer organization, increased profitability and lower insurance premiums.

Learn more about Enterprise Risk Management Plans