Client Success Stories


All Nations Trust Company (ANTCO)

Developing the First Aboriginal-Owned Insurance Brokerage in Canada

In 2014, ANTCO was looking to diversify its operations in financial services. Following consultations with CEO Paul Donald, Strategiq suggested the creation of an insurance brokerage, and set about furthering concept development and the feasibility and business plans. The result was the creation of All Nations Insurance Brokers Inc. (ANIB),the first 100% Aboriginal owned insurance brokerage in Canada.

“We are familiar with Greg’s work and his work ethic. When All Nations sought the specialized help required to establish the feasibility of a different kind of insurance brokerage we were confident that Greg would be able to provide an assessment based upon comprehensive industry research.”

-Paul Donald, CEO of ANTCO and ANIB, 2015

Tk’emlups te Secwepemc (formerly Kamloops Indian Band)

Annual Savings of more than $100 000

Tk’emlups the Secwepemc approached Strategiq in the fall of 2013 with a challenge — could we come up with better solutions for the inflexibility of their current coverage of on-reserve housing? Strategiq was able to offer this and more — we took charge of their property and liability insurance policies and guided them through a market allocation exercise. Within a few months, we had consolidated a rubic’s cube of policies — more than a dozen in all — into a single policy and expiry, and achieved overall savings in excess of $100,000 per year.

“The expertise and support was outstanding, but the results were even better.”

-Monica Parker, Executive Projects Manager, Tk’emlups te Secwepemc (Kamloops Indian Band),2014