The quick win. We guide our clients through a strategic, proposal-driven exercise that will reduce their insurance premium to the lowest level possible. Best of all, the process is risk-free: your premiums cannot go up, they can only go down. And if we don’t save you money, you do not pay.

Market Allocation is the process followed by the risk departments of large corporations and municipalities every few years to ensure the insurance industry is keeping their pencils sharp and premiums at the lowest level. This strategy can be equally effective for smaller organizations when backed by the necessary expertise.

How will Market Allocation work for you?

• It places a substantial volume of business on the table

• It creates bona fide competition between brokers and between markets (insurers)

• It enables more competitive pricing through a strong underwriting package

• It severs the compensation link between brokers and markets

One of the many benefits of engaging Strategiq is that we are compensated from your savings (i.e. “found” money). If we do not save you money (won’t happen),you do not pay us. Additionally, the captured savings create options. Interested in driving premiums still lower, implementing a long-term solution, and insulating your organization against the cyclical swings of the insurance business cycle? Now you can. It would be our privilege to guide you.