Over 90% of Fortune 1000 companies self-insure, greatly reducing, but not necessarily eliminating, their reliance on traditional insurance. Why? Because they can. Over the long term insurance is the most expensive way to “finance” risk. Start with baby steps and a graduated program or go “all in.”

A broad spectrum of self-insurance strategies are available that enable our clients to reduce insurance costs, obtain more flexibility and control with their coverage, and reduce their reliance on insurance companies and brokers. Whether you just dip a toe or go straight for the three metre board depends on a number of factors including financial strength and appetite for risk.

Options include self-insurance plans, large deductible plans and self-insured retentions, reciprocals and others; right up to captive insurance companies, the Cadillac of self-insurance. These self-insurance strategies are not “risky” or unproven; this is a well worn path travelled by thousands of companies and organizations. Self-insurance is working for them and we can make it work for you.