We provide risk management consulting

Strategiq PROVIDEs Independent Insurance and Risk Management Consulting

Market Allocations

The quick win. We guide our clients through a strategic, proposal-driven exercise that will reduce their insurance premium to the lowest level possible. Best of all, the process is designed to be risk-free: your premiums cannot go up, they can only go down. And if we don’t save you money (won’t happen) you don’t pay.

Self-insurance Strategies

Over 90% of Fortune 1000 companies self-insure, greatly reducing but not necessarily eliminating, their reliance on traditional insurance. Why? Because they can. And because self-insurance provides greater flexibility, more control and even deeper savings with your insurance program. Start with baby steps and a graduated program or go “all in.”

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Plans

The global financial crisis of 2008 was a catalyst for many things, one of them being the practice of risk management. First came the stark realization that risk management failures can threaten not just the reputation but the very survival of an organization. This was followed by a growing awareness that risk management was not limited to downside risk; that it could be used to identify and exploit opportunities. The Eureka moment: risk management is not a net cost for an organization but an investment with measurable returns.


We’re game-changers, do-gooders, and status quo disrupters who recognized some fundamental imbalances in the insurance industry and felt compelled to act.

Why? The industry favours large organizations that hire specialists with risk management expertise and insight into the mechanics of insurance placement to ensure they continually pay the lowest possible premiums. We leverage our expertise to help organizations who don’t have full-time specialists achieve the same results: full coverage, reduced risk, lowest possible price.

risk management consulting motivations

“The greatest risk to man is not that he aims too
high and misses, but that he aims too low and

– Michelangelo
Unique Services

To our knowledge, Strategiq is the only company in Canada that is bringing ‘big-player’ risk management strategies to smaller-size companies and organizations.

Increased Access

We believe that all companies and organizations should have access to the full risk-management toolbox, moving away from a reliance on insurance.

Fierce Independence

We are not compensated directly or indirectly by any insurance company, agent or broker. And we do not sell insurance. We are accountable to two parties: ourselves, and our clients.


In an industry not known for its clarity we pull back the veil. Communication and sharing are the hallmarks of our work. We guide you, and are guided by you, every step of the way.

Client Service

Unless we exceed your expectations, we’re not meeting ours.

Insurance, you were my whole flat world, till the day I discovered it was round